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Where to find joy in everyday moments...


Where to find joy in everyday moments...


Eating toast and peanut butter


Feeling patient


Caring about another's feelings


Taking the time to drop in on a friend


Buying the person in line behind you a beverage of their choice


Looking people in the eye


Smiling out to the world


Brushing your teeth


Drinking a glass of cold water


Stopping and sitting still for five minutes


Speaking softly


Singing a favorite song


Remembering a good memory


Just being


Making a positive decision


Remembering why you said no and keeping your word


Catching that negative thought before it gets away...


Creating a new positive sentence out of an old thought pattern


Reading your favorite magazine


Allowing for emotions to rise and recognize them and then release the ones that close you


Getting that one thing done you wanted to do today


That great feeling when you know you did your best today


Saying a prayer of thanks upon resting your head for the night


Feeling good and knowing it in the moment


Hugging friends when you greet them


Telling the truth with sincerity


Avoiding drama by not absorbing only observing


Being happy for someone else's success


Completing something, anything and saying I did it !


Listening to another's story and hearing their feelings behind their words


Being in the moment of now


Appreciating nature in my own backyard


Hearing the birds and crickets


Breathing  in the air of the new season ....


Joy. Joy. Joy.


As we partake in our part of our journey and recognize how we feel joy in our everyday moments...this awareness keeps this world alive with hope for all who are not aware of how to create their own awareness of their own mind joy. Which is: knowing you are feeling Joy and creating more of it.


And so it is...


Mind-joy ~





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