What a word. What a fantastic word! Eventually!
This one is a stopper. The right kind of stopper.
This word stops the nagging, not enough feeling.
It allows a space so that you can give yourself permission not to feel the feeling 'not enough.' Eventually gives you permission to take more time to get it without guilt or stressing about it.
Eventually is a letting go; because your awareness will not let you be stressed over something you do not have control over right now. Right now you look at the 'not enough thought' ', thee, 'I should have done this already thought' and you say "eventually."
It gives momentum to the process of being aware that you will eventually get to it.
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I challenge you today to create for yourself permission to eventually get it. When we let ourselves off the hook, we gain more momentum in the positive energy flow.
This kind of thought process can become a habit by exercising your awareness in the moments when you say "I should have already". When you feel guilty or stressed by what your observing, remember your best intentions are there and know that eventually, you will get to it.
This entire process can be very freeing when you have long to do lists. Incorporating an accountability coach into your personal budget is a high recommendation when you want to get this process started. When you sort out your eventually to do list and prioritize it, you actually get to say "I did it", "It's done!".
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