We are all Tribers
Each tribe is its own collective knowingness of their conscious awareness needed here on this planet.
There are many, many tribers already acquainting with their tribe.
Many tribers are already in place and looking out for more of whom belongs in their tribe.
There is no competition, fear, anger, jealousy, bickering, slander, gossip in the core understanding and knowingness within an authentic tribe.
The tribe is its own entity, in that, all whom dance the drum of that tribes unique energy adds to the whole planet earth energy.
Your tribe is whom ever you connect joyfully to fully loving and living out-loud.
Your natural vibration is your natural authenticity showing up in the world on purpose.
You are aware why your are here. No more fear and isolation for you ~
You are now awake and you have left your cave,
You are aware of-what your earthy contribution is.
You join your tribe; the one and only one that speaks to the beating of your own heart.
As each tribe connects its commonality. It does not judge other tribes.
It is known in all tribes that different means diversity.
Diversity means creative differences to share and observe peacefully.
You become aware of your tribe by your gut feeling of being your authentic self.
Authenticity shines out of your personal truth guiding you to the tribe your meant to belong to.
Trust your tribe is looking for you too. Watch for now moments that give clarity and ah-ha. They give you tingles and remind you this is my tribal feeling of belonging.
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