The Excitement of Changing My Mind!
Have you ever caught yourself in an ah ha moment?
Have you ever caught yourself thinking I am feeling happy right now?
This is the first sign that I am in awareness of having Mind Joy.
When I take the moment to pause and reflect, I realize where this good feeling came from...good thoughts about something or someone.
When I can come to the understanding that I have the power to change my thoughts; I can then embrace the excitement of changing my mindset to Mind Joy. The excitement comes because I realize that I have the power to think positive thoughts that will reduce my stress and keep my Joy coming through my moments in any given day. Not letting the stess or circumstances around me change my feeling of Joy. Just by changing my mind in the Moment !
Something to think about:
There are 24 hours in a day, which has 60 seconds in every minute. Taking 60 seconds x 24 hours = 1,440 seconds in a day.
The challenge today is to bring in the awareness that you get to choose how many of those 1,440 seconds in your day today that you can fill with mind joy?
Have a mind joy filled Day Everyone ~
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