How to own your corner in this world....
How can one feel significant?
Everyone in the world wants to be seen. When we are being seen it confirms that we are alive. We are accepted. In a world with billions of people it can be hard to fit in. My motto in my life coaching is one by one.
I used to walk down the streets of downtown Toronto over the last 13 years when my two young adult children lived in the city. I found I would be overwhelmed looking around at all the tops of the heads of the very many people walking down the streets on the sidewalks and getting on subways and buses. I would go in and have my Toronto doctors appointment and there would be many people in the hospital waiting rooms. Often times I would think how can every single one of us count? The answer I received back is one by one.
Over the past 13 years of being a certified life coach, I have come to realize through doing many one on one coaching sessions with my coaching clients is this; it is true; we all count, one by one. Often times we think we can’t control the world. Of course we can’t control the world, but we can control the one world we live in, which is our own little corner of our own world. Feeling significant is when we know that we can make a difference in any small way, in our own little corner of our own world. To be seen, is to show up in your own world to the best of your ability. Do the best that you can to provide for your own self care, this matters significantly. Be significant in your little corner of your own world by putting yourself out into the world that you personally share in. Your own personal world that you care about, in your own special way.
Eventually I would visit Toronto and I would look around at the people and I would say that every single one of them mattered. Every single one of them have a story and every single one counted. A funny thing happened to me when I kept thinking from this perspective. I felt happier when I was in Toronto. I would look around and I would look at peoples faces and I would see them. Sometimes I would even even have one that saw me too. Toronto became a more familiar friendly place.
To feel significant, one must realize that they make a difference in the world by loving themselves first. When we realize we all count, that is when we enter into taking care of our own corner of the world. It would be so wonderful if everyone in the world could realize that their little corner matters and that they can make a difference in the whole world by taking care of their own significant self in their own little corner of their own world.
Knowing that we can make a difference in the world creates self significance. See your own significance first and the rest of the world will see you. Own your own story in your corner of your own world. See your own significance in what you bring to the world, this way you will be the one that is seen.
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