Time for Everything
How does one get to time for everything?
Within my coaching practice, I use a number system
The number system helps communicate the end result of knowing where your time is going...
Back to how does one get time for every thing?
Here is an exercise to do on paper with a calculator...
Let's start off with one week which is 24 hours in a day x 7 days = 168 hours in 7 days.
We can now begin with the process of illimination .
More questions to figure out the numbers....stay with me here,
Now add up the time it takes to do each individual thing  you do in one week 7 days.
Make a list of every single thing you do...
For today start with investing your time in calculating what it is you really do spend your days doing, in one block of a week of 7 days.
If you are reading this blog to day and you follow through with this coaching homework, please email from this site your results and we can discuss what's next from your total hours spent  in 168 hours in a week.
Time management starts from knowing exactly what it is that your doing with 7 days of your living in your life.
Practicie enjoying this exercise to today...
signing off with a smileÂ
Charlene :)
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