Ordinary Play Days
I worked a very tough day at Autosmart yesterday, and when it was over I felt really good. Lots of things took place in this physically enduring day. Running a full fledged auto mechanic specialist shop is very demanding. It was definately a day filled with stresses and time crunches.
 What I liked about this busy day was how it felt like fun. And we even felt play in our shop. Jokes and good humor, but it was the down and dirty assembly of five recored radiators that made it feel like fun and play. It felt like art dealing with the torch and getting my sodder just hot enough to create the meld of the rad tank and the rad core. It was fun and it felt like play when friends and customers were thrilled to see me at the rad bench again.
Today no matter what work you have to do, be sure to feel good in the moment your in, trust the life process and allow a flow of good feeling as you do your service for others what ever that title may be. Â
Playing needs to be part of everyday. Find a way to play in your day and you will feel empowered from inside and gain a feeling of contentment and joy.
Today, ask yourself, do I play in my ordinary days?Â
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