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News Story Thursday, June 24, 2021

Ah-Ha Moments from the Four Agreement Online Videos....

These are the notes...shared with permission from my Coaching Client Matt Brodie.
Matt has invested his time in taking the 10 Week Four Agreements Online Course...
These are his answers in his homework journal for what he took away from his...

Ah-Ha Moments from the Four Agreement Online Videos....


Lesson 1: Imagine Living a Better Life


  • How my story prevents me from expressing the real me
  • How limited my awareness is
  • How much of my self-image was created by other’s opinions
  • I am always changing and creating a story that becomes my mind
  • How much power I actually have
  • I am a universe myself


Lesson 2: Intro to The Four Agreements


  • Simple principles can have big changes
  • We can avoid emotional conflict
  • How much suffering is self-inflicted and needless
  • We do a lot to avoid feelings/thoughts
  • Four Agreements are largely about stop judging yourself
  • Four Agreements uncover authentic self


Lesson 3: Domestication


  • Word creates story about everything you perceive
  • Needless suffering comes from misuse of Word
  • Most of what you think you know isn’t true
  • Children are present and instinctual
  • We try to please based on reward/punishment desires we got as kid
  • Programmed knowledge thinking can become automatic
  • We use words to reject ourselves
  • Before domestication we cared less about self-image


Lesson 4: The First Agreement


  • Word is a power of creation
  • Most power we have as a human
  • Seeds constantly implanted in mind
  • We use Word against ourselves
  • Impeccability means to use energy in direction of truth and love
  • Take responsibility, but don’t judge or punish


Lesson 5: The Second Agreement


  • What other people do is a projection of their world - it’s about them and all their programming
  • Everyone has a unique projection and how they view you can be so different from how you view yourself
  • We have no idea what’s going on in someone else’s world
  • Immune to other’s emo poison when you take nothing personally


Lesson 6: Words and Agreements


  • Most important agreements are what we make with ourselves
  • Our belief system is like a fog
  • We can’t be who we are because we’re trapped by who we think we should be
  • We use addiction to avoid our stories
  • Lies lead to limitations
  • Human mind isn’t real
  • When we understand mind we can separate perception vs. Reality
  • You can change your story with words


Lesson 7: The Third Agreement


  • Most assumptions set up suffering
  • We make assumptions to fulfill our human need to know cause knowledge makes us feel safe
  • Our biggest assumption is everyone sees life like we do - this means we’re afraid to be ourselves because we think other’s will reject us how we reject ourselves
  • Almost everything we tell ourselves are assumptions
  • Stop assumptions by asking questions
  • When you recover energy used making assumptions you can use that energy to create a better life


Lesson 8: Stories and Superstitions


  • As a child we ingest everything we are told
  • We suffer from believing stories that aren’t true
  • Big book of law judges us and makes victims
  • We agreed to these laws, but now we know we can change it
  • When your attention isn’t on these stories we can see what’s real
  • Happiness and choice are suffering
  • You need less thinking and more action


Lesson 9: The Fourth Agreement


  • Fourth agreement is in the realm of physical (other three are mental)
  • When you don’t do your best regret and self-judgement come in
  • Your best will differ, but always do your best
  • Most ppl only take action when they expect reward
  • When you aren’t doing things the law judgements can come in
  • Four Agreements will break thousands of old habits, routines, and agreements that cause suffering
  • Repetition and practice - expect failure, but don’t judge


Lesson 10: The Freedom to Be the Real You


  • You need courage to break old agreements
  • When you break old agreements that energy comes back to you
  • Begin by questioning is it truth or fiction?
  • As you unlearn you recover your faith
  • You don’t see the infinite when you’re caught up in your own story
  • Imagine living like you were when you were a child (living with presence)
  • Simple to understand, hard to practice

News Story Thursday, February 25, 2021

My client wishes to express his Life Coaching Experience...

Sharing A Mind Joy Life Coaching Google Review with permission from my client Brad Rowley...

Sometimes life can be overwhelming; during a pandemic, doubly so... Charlene is a great listener and coach, and has helped me find my way as I make some major life changes. Her intuitive questions will help you look at yourself and situations in whole new ways. Coaching is also in context of The Four Agreements, a great way to truly and deeply understand life. If you want to look at life a whole new way, I highly recommend getting in touch with Charlene.

Mind Joy Life Coaching (owner)

4 weeks ago

Thank you Brad for your review. It's appreciated very much. This allows others to hear about how life coaching can change their life. I'm very happy to hear that life coaching with me has made the difference for you

Learn How to Practice the 4 Agreements Here...

this video walks a person through the ability to practice living in the 4 agreements, in everyday situations and circumstances. Enjoy this guided mini session and gain powerful insights. Walk away feeling confident on how to practice the 4 agreements everyday.

News Story Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Let’s talk about how to Not take another’s opinion personally…

There are many perceptions happening out there right now.

The challenge is to become the watcher rather than the reactor.

The action is to step back and become the observer.

Realizing that each one is its own story and perception based in their domestication.

Once we are aware of this truth, we can react with compassion for the differences in opinion.

If everyone is allowed free speech, then it is under everyone’s responsibility to allow this process Peacefully in any nation or household.

Everyone gets to choose what they want to listen to, this is the truth.

The Natural law is that These truths set us free.

Free to allow hearing another’s words.

Holding space for their thoughts in sharing.

Letting go of reacting and defensiveness.

Respecting the others idea based in the truth that it comes from them in their own perceptions and experiences from day today.

Allowing this understanding can create a space that holds compassion and Respect to the other.

Finding truth comes from examples of behaviour that are aligned with natural law.

Natural consequences are all that we each are experiencing, based on how each one of us reacts to the others.

There are no others. We are each one of the other. Expressing ourselves and being identified and realized by listening to each other wholeheartedly.

There are many perceptions happening right now.

All at the same time.

Realize that every expression that comes from anger and defensiveness adds to the negative energy here.

Let us take responsibility and accountability to find peace in our conversations With one another.

After all, we all came from the beginning as children into this world. Innocent until taught.

Let us unteach ourselves the reactions of judgment, defensiveness and reacting from taking things personally.

Let us ride the wave of emotional intelligence. That place in us that knows how to sort out how to react in any given conversation appropriately.

Remembering that we were all brought into this world one by one. Imagine that.

That everyone counts.

Everyone’s story is their own.

And everyone’s story deserves to be heard without judgment.

Also, remember many and all perceptions Are who people Are.

Domestication identified and understood creates space for new ways of living peacefully together.

What is your perception of your reaction; of how you understand and listen to others tell you their opinion, their story?

This truly cannot be about who is right and who is wrong.

It has to be about who is more understanding, compassionate and caring to care.

News Story Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Women of Wisdom Panel

News Story Friday, October 30, 2020

Happy Chemicals: The Secret To The Happy Brain

Here is a Mind Joy  Article to  share forward...Some great tips and insights into finding our joy and happiness in these times. Taking to heart the words from Loretta Breuning, author of Habits of a Happy Brain...

Article Entitlement:

CNET Health and Wellness

Brett Pearce/CNET

Mercey Livingston

How to boost happiness hormones like serotonin and dopamine in everyday life

Find out what triggers happiness hormones and how to make the most of them.

In this new normal (aka life in a pandemic) a few simple rituals always make me happy: that first sip of coffee, cuddles with my puppy, reading before work, and getting some exercise. I don't think I've ever left a dance workout class in a bad mood. Now more than ever, I'm leaning into these small things that make a difference in my day. 

While a cup of coffee won't change whether you feel truly fulfilled, in uncertain times, there's value in boosting your mood when you can.

There are four main hormones (a type of chemical your body makes) that trigger feelings of happiness, and each chemical is connected to specific events or rewards. Understanding these chemicals and how they work can help you figure out even small ways to feel better amid such a stressful time.

To explain exactly how these "happiness" chemicals work, I spoke to Loretta Breuning, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute and author of Habits of a Happy Brain.

Happy chemicals: The secret to a happy brain 

Almost everything that makes you feel "happy" is linked to one of the four happiness hormones: dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin. Here are some ways you can boost them.


The hormone dopamine is associated with motivation and reward. It's why you feel gumption when you set an exciting or important goal, and why it feels good to reach that goal. On the flip side, if you have low dopamine (which experts say can occur with depression), it can explain feelings of low motivation or loss of interest in something you used to enjoy.

Committing to a hobby or sport can boost your dopamine. 

"Approaching a reward triggers dopamine. When a lion approaches a gazelle, her dopamine surges and the energy she needs for the hunt is released. Your ancestors released dopamine when they found a water hole," Breuning says. "The expectation of a reward triggers a good feeling in the mammal brain, and releases the energy you need to reach the reward." 

How to boost it:

There are some not-so-healthy habits that increase dopamine -- like drinking caffeine, eating sugar or taking certain recreational drugs. But you can find ways to kick this hormone up without turning to potentially unhealthy or addictive substances. 

"Embrace a new goal and take small steps toward it every day. Your brain will reward you with dopamine each time you take a step. The repetition will build a new dopamine pathway until it's big enough to compete with the dopamine habit that you're better off without," Breuning says. 

You may already have goals set around your career, work or how much money you'd like to make. But don't forget personal goals. Committing to a rewarding hobby or sport can be just as gratifying as professional goals. Don't just set a few big goals that will take longer to complete -- also adopt shorter-term goals so you stay motivated.

"Set a short-run, long-run, and middle-term goal so you will always be approaching one when another is blocked. Focus on things you have control over and don't wait for others to set your goals for you," Breuning says.


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood, but it also helps regulate other functions in your body like digestion, sleep and bone health. When it comes to happiness and how you feel every day, serotonin is important for reducing depression and regulating anxiety.

How to boost it:

"Confidence triggers serotonin. Monkeys try to one-up each other because it stimulates their serotonin. People often do the same," Breuning says. You've probably never thought about confidence on a neurochemical level, but according to Breuning, if you don't prioritize confidence, your serotonin levels could take a hit. 

If you are trapped in a cycle of low self-esteem or have had others undermine your confidence, it can be hard to build it back up. It may sound strange, but don't ignore your need for respect and status. 

"You can develop your belief in your own worth. If you focus on your losses you will depress your serotonin, even if you're a rock star or a CEO. You can build the habit of focusing on your wins. Your serotonin will suffer if you don't," Breuning says. 

Besides focusing on what you've achieved in life, you can also build confidence in other ways. One way to do this is by working out or adopting a new exercise routine, which helps bolster your confidence when you stick to it over time. Something else you can try is finding ways to get out of your comfort zone each day. Every day that you challenge yourself to adapt to something new, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, you build more confidence. 


Take a small step toward someone each day.
Loretta Breuning, author of Habits of a Happy Brain

Oxytocin is sometimes called the "love" hormone and is associated with how people bond and trust each other. Certain activities like kissing, hugging and having sex can trigger the release of oxytocin in the brain. 

It explains why you feel happy when you pet or cuddle with your pets. It's important in childbirth since oxytocin helps the mother's uterus contract to deliver the baby, and oxytocin plays a role in breastfeeding too. It also helps parents bond with a baby after birth.

How to boost it:

You can boost oxytocin by being physically intimate with others. But besides the physical aspect, it's important to know that there's an emotional connection to how oxytocin is released.

Take a small step toward someone each day.

Loretta Breuning, author of Habits of a Happy Brain

"Social trust is what triggers oxytocin. If you hug someone you don't trust, it doesn't feel good. Trust comes first. You can build social trust by taking small positive steps toward people," Breuning says. 

You can reach out to a friend or contact you'd like to get to know better. Send someone a thank you note or a card just to tell them you're thinking about them. "Take a small step toward someone each day, and they may reciprocate months later, but if you keep doing it you will build trust networks," Breuning says. 


Endorphins are notoriously linked with exercise -- it's the phenomenon that explains the runner's high or post-workout endorphin "rush." They function as "natural painkillers" that help minimize pain and maximize pleasure. This chemical experience can explain why a runner may be able to push through a race with an injury that they don't notice until it's over.

"In the state of nature, it helps an injured animal escape from a predator. It helped our ancestors run for help when injured. Endorphins evolved for survival, not for partying. If you were high on endorphins all the time, you would touch hot stoves and walk on broken legs," Breuning explains.

How to boost it:

Laughter is one way to boost endorphins naturally -- so is eating dark chocolate, watching your favorite drama on Netflix, working out and meditating. 

Endorphins are released in response to pain, but that doesn't mean you should seek out ways to cause yourself harm (like by overexercising or pushing yourself beyond your limits) just to feel good. 

"Inflicting harm on yourself to stimulate endorphins is a bad survival strategy. Fortunately, there are better ways: laughing and stretching. Both of these jiggle your innards in irregular ways, causing moderate wear and tear and moderate endorphin flow," she says.. 

First published on Oct. 27, 2020 at 5:00 a.m. PT.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

News Story Thursday, October 29, 2020

Segmenting self Care

“Mentally, we are hungry for nourishing experiences. If you are emotionally nourished, the physical cravings stop. However, you can’t change what you aren’t aware of. This means that you must connect your hunger to a real need that can actually be satisfied. That is how we end the hunger dilemma. When you apply self-care to your real needs, life becomes much lighter.” -Deepak Chopra

Applying self care to your needs has action steps. Deepak Gives us direction and he also says  but if we are not aware then we will not be nourishing our experiences. We will have cravings and they will be hard to stop. The self care experiences  feed us mentally when we actively align with the action steps that create a life that becomes much lighter with each daily caring action step.

Self-care has different segments To it. The segments are clearly woven into our every day habits, patterns and actions. Pre thought is an awareness before an event , response, reaction will take place. Pre thought is the mind giving itself a pause to react to natural consequences. Looking slightly ahead knowing what to act on now so as to prevent future unwanted personal results.

Pay attention for Ignoring the gut feelings and the prodding of the-inner voice. to .Be aware, responding to the pre thought takes less than a fraction of a second. We have the ability to become aware and mentally acknowledge that the pre thought is there, and to pay attention and respond accordingly. The more willing we can be to the intuitive self, gut feeling, vegas nerve knowing, then following through with the experience brings emotional knowing and awareness. Mentally being aware that you know how to give your life mentally nourishing experiences by being mentally prepared to give to yourself the life you know you want. Filled with knowing you are experiencing life’s nourishing adventures.

News Story Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sharing forward.... Thankfulness for The Wisdom of The Aged ~

Wisdom of the Aged ♥️ Aloha ♥️

I asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is heading towards 80 what sort of changes he is feeling in himself? He sent me the following:

1 After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children and my friends, I have now started loving myself.
2 I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.
3 I have stopped bargaining with vegetable & fruit vendors. A few pennies more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.
4 I leave my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than I am.
5 I stopped telling the elderly that they've already narrated that story many times. The story makes them walk down memory lane & relive their past.
6 I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.
7 I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You.”
8 I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearances.
9 I walk away from people who don't value me. They might not know my worth, but I do.
10 I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.
11 I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human.
12 I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships, I will never be alone.
13 I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.
14 I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!

I decided to share this for all my friends. Why do we have to wait to be 60 or 70 or 80, why can't we practice this at any stage and age?

I borrowed this. I don't know who to credit it to, but thank you!

We Humans

Manshen Lo

One way to calm an anxious mind: Notice when you’re doing OK

Sep 29, 2020 / + + +

To keep our ancestors alive, our brains evolved an ongoing internal trickle of unease.
It’s the little whisper of worry that keeps you scanning your inner and outer worlds for signs of trouble.

This background of unsettledness and watchfulness is so automatic to most people that we can forget it’s there.

See if you can tune in to a tension, guarding or bracing in your body. It could also be a vigilance about your environment or other people. Or a block against completely relaxing, letting your guard down or letting go.

While the brain’s default setting of apprehensiveness is a great way to keep a monkey aware of predators, it’s a crummy way for humans to live.

It wears down our well-being, feeds anxiety and depression and makes us turn away from the things that matter to us. And it’s based on a lie.

In effect, that uneasiness in the background is continually whispering in your mental ear: “You’re not safe, you’re surrounded by threats, you can never afford to lower your guard.”

But take a close look at this moment, right now — probably, you are basically all right. No one is attacking you, you are not sick, there is no crisis where you sit.

Things may be far from perfect, but you’re OK.

By “right now,” I mean this moment. When our mind goes into the future, we worry and plan. When our mind goes into the past, we resent and regret. Threads of fear are woven into the mental tapestries of past and future.

Look again at this thin slice of time that is the present. In this moment, are you basically OK? Are you breathing? Is your heart beating? Is your mind working?

In daily life, it’s possible to access this fundamental sense of all-rightness even while you’re getting things done. You’re not ignoring real threats or issues or pretending that everything is perfect — it’s not.

But in the middle of everything, you can usually see that you’re actually all right, right now.

Several times a day, notice that you’re basically all right. You may want more certainty or love or ketchup for your French fries. Or you may want less pain or heartache or unemployment. All reasonable.

But meanwhile, underneath all the to-ing and fro-ing, you are OK. Underneath your desires and activities is an aliveness and an awareness that is doing fine this second.

There you are fixing dinner.

Notice that you’re all right, right now, and perhaps say that softly in your mind.

Or you’re driving. Say, “I’m all right, right now.”

Or you’re talking with someone on a video call: “I’m all right, right now.”

Or doing emails or putting a child to bed: “I’m all right, right now.”

Notice that while feeling all right, right now, you can still get things done and deal with problems. The fear that bad things will happen if you let yourself feel OK is unfounded; let this sink in. You do not need to fear feeling all right.

Sometimes, of course, you’re really not all right. Maybe something terrible has happened, or your body is very disturbed, or your mind is very upset. Do what you can at these times to ride out the storm.

But as soon as possible, notice that the core of your being is OK, like the quiet place 50 feet underwater, beneath a hurricane howling above the sea.

Noticing that you’re actually all right, right now is not laying a positive attitude over your life like a pretty veil. Instead, you are knowing a simple but profound fact: “In this moment I am all right.”

You are sensing the truth in your body — deeper than fear — that it is breathing and living and OK. You are recognizing that your mind is functioning fine, no matter how nutty and not-fine the contents swirling through it are.

Settling into this basic sense of okayness is a powerful way to build well-being and resources in your brain and being, and it’s a way of taking a stand for the truth.

7 Modern Life Habits That Can Be Incredibly Bad For Your Brain Health

Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind.

7 Modern Life Habits That Can Be Incredibly Bad For Your Brain Health

Lifestyle habits that influence your cognitive health and what to do about them.Thomas Oppong


Illustration by Sean Gladwell / Getty Images.

In an era of better technology, we are all being rewired to do more to the detriment of our brains. According to experts, our modern lifestyle is chipping away at neural pathways and making us slower, denser and less capable of original thought. Hyperconnectivity is increasingly taking its toll on our brains. In the end, we end up less productive and ineffective.

When it comes to our health, we don’t always think about nurturing our brains the way we nourish our bodies. But to be our most productive self, we need to do more of what improves our brain health, and less of what causes cognitive decline. Start by adjusting your daily habits and avoiding these common modern habits — your mind will thank you.

1. The Brain Drain of Inactivity

Physical inactivity has its price tags — It’s linked to the development of chronic health problems like heart disease, obesity, depression, dementia, and cancer. Many people are too busy to make time for “basic movement activities” that can slow cognitive decline — walking, cycling, stretching, etc.

Being sedentary changes the shape of certain neurons in the brain, according to a study in the Journal of Comparative Neurology that suggests a link between inactivity and mental decline.

Regular physical activity can benefit you cognitively — increase brain chemicals which promote better memory and learning, and medically. You know this though. Knowledge of the benefits of exercise is not a problem in the modern world, it’s the application of relevant information.

2. Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again

Our smartphones have become Swiss army knives. We use them all the time. We text while we’re walking across the street, catch up on email while commuting, read or listen to podcasts while standing in a queue.

You’ve likely heard that multitasking is bad for your productivity. It turns out, it’s a habit that also rewires the brain and makes you less effective.

Earl Miller, a neuroscientist at MIT and one of the world experts on divided attention, says that our brains are “not wired to multitask well… When people think they’re multitasking, they’re actually just switching from one task to another very rapidly. And every time they do, there’s a cognitive cost in doing so.”

Multitasking also increases the stress hormone cortisol as well as the fight-or-flight hormone adrenaline, which can overstimulate your brain and cause mental fog or scrambled thinking.

3. Information Overload Leads to Unnecessary Overstimulation of the Brain

The sheer volume of emails, social updates, and notifications we receive can be overwhelming — it takes a huge bite out of the day for many people. The constant stream of content if not managed can cause stress and lead to decision overload.

“Information overload is one of the biggest irritations in modern life”, writes Schumpeter of The Economist.

Some people proudly boast of how many things they can juggle in a single day. Glenn Wilson, former visiting professor of psychology at Gresham College, London found out in his research that being in a situation where you are trying to concentrate on a task, and an email is sitting unread in your inbox, can reduce your effective IQ by 10 points.

To maximize your brain every day, use better tools and settings to filter information throughout the day. Be proactive about how you consume media. Prepare your brain to ignore unnecessary information. When you organize your day with these principles in mind, you will likely increase your brain’s efficiency significantly.

4. Sitting for Too Long Is Hurting You

Sitting is one of the worst things we can do for our health. A UCLA study reports that people who are more sedentary have thinning in brain regions linked to memory.

It finds that sitting isn’t just a physical health risk — it’s a neurological risk as well. The authors write in their paper, “it is possible that sedentary behaviour is a more significant predictor of brain structure, specifically [medial temporal lobe] thickness, and that physical activity, even at higher levels, is not sufficient to offset the harmful effects of sitting for extended periods of time.”

You can reduce the amount of sitting you do by adopting interventions like moderate walking, standing while working, even for just 10 minutes at a time, standup meetings — it offers the opportunity to sit less, move more and conduct short meetings.

5. All That Screen Time Can Negatively Impact Our Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Today, face-to-face interactions are increasingly being replaced by digital tools. People spend more time online than ever before.

“Anything with a screen — television, phones, tablets, computers, video games — constitutes screen time,” explains Tom Kersting, a licensed psychotherapist and an expert in the field of mental health and parenting in the digital age. “If the majority of our waking hours entails looking at a screen, then we know it is way too much.”

A face-to-face conversation is incredibly beneficial for your brain. A study by the University of Michigan found that even just 10 minutes per day of conversation with another person improved memory and cognition.

“In our study, socializing was just as effective as more traditional kinds of mental exercise in boosting memory and intellectual performance,” said Oscar Ybarra, a psychologist at the U-M Institute for Social Research (ISR) and a lead author of the study with ISR psychologist Eugene Burnstein and psychologist Piotr Winkielman from the University of California, San Diego.

The lack of true personal interaction limits the brain’s opportunities to make better connections. It can also lead to loneliness and depression — mental conditions that contribute significantly to reduced brain health.

Looking at screens all day can hurt your eyes, ears, neck, shoulders, back, wrists, and forearms. It also interferes with getting a good night’s sleep.

According to experts, excessive screen time has a negative effect on intellectual abilities as well as emotional well-being.

Set clear boundaries with screens to avoid developing detrimental habits. The goal isn’t to avoid screen time entirely, as that’s not realistic in modern life. However, if you’re going to use a device, be mindful.

6. It’s Surprisingly Easy for Your Headphones to Damage the Parts of the Ear Vital to Healthy Hearing

People, by nature, love to switch up the volume. It makes the music sounds more “fun” and immersive. In the age of noise-cancelling earbuds and headphones, you can easily damage your hearing.

When the rest of the world gets too distracting, it’s tempting to pop in your earbuds, crank up your favourite tunes, and close yourself off to focus better.

If you consistently blast your music too loudly, you can damage your hearing. But it’s not just your ears: Hearing loss in older adults is linked to brain problems, such as Alzheimer’s and loss of brain tissue.

When your brain has to work so hard to understand what’s being said around you, it can’t store what you’ve heard into memory. So, protect your hearing by adjusting the volume of your headphones — it’s an excellent way to preserve your hearing and allow your brain to work better.

“One test we recommend is to remove your headphones, keeping them at your preferred volume, and hold them out in front of you at an arm’s length. Can you hear the music clearly? If so, try turning it down and repeating again,” writes Headphonesty. Always aim to take regular breaks during the course of the day to give your ears a much-needed rest.

7. Sleeping Poorly Upsets Your Brain

Insufficient sleep is a huge problem for many busy professionals. Sleep deprivation can have serious short-term and long-term consequences — it can delay reaction times, glucose levels, mood, headache, impaired memory, and hormone imbalances. Recent research shows that not getting enough sleep may actually shrink your brain.

Sleep is absolutely essential for your brain. When you deprive your brain healthy sleep, how it process information, consolidates memories, make connections, and clear out toxins suffers.

Lack of sleep slows down your thinking, impairs your memory, concentration, judgment, and decision-making, and impedes learning.

Improving your sleep habits could be an important way to improve brain health. 7–8 hours/night of good sleep is essential for stimulating new connections and brain growth.

If you are concerned about the health of your brain and the quality of your thinking now or in the future, learn to take care of your brain. A few simple changes to your lifestyle could boost your memory, learning, mental resilience and overall health of your brain.

Thomas Oppong is the founder of AllTopStartups and writes on science-based answers to problems in life about creativity, productivity, and self-improvement.

News Story Friday, September 11, 2020



How you can to change your day in a moment if it’s not going well?

Change your thought, change your moment, change your day...

Change how you are reacting to the moment; your choice gives you your moment.

News Story Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer ~ Is Your Life On Automatic Pilot?

Is Your Life on Automatic Pilot?

I refuse to accept the idea that we have an unconscious mind that defies us by being completely inaccessible. To me, this is a prescription for believing that for the major portion of our lives, we’re controlled by unseen and unavailable forces residing within us. I recognize that we’re often totally unaware of why we’re behaving in certain ways, but this implies that we have no choice in the matter. Awareness is the simple key for alleviating this condition.

Have regular conversations with your subconscious—remind it that you don’t want to go through life on automatic pilot. Discuss your unwillingness to be a victim of the whims of that “ghost in the machine” of your body, whose orders originate in the mind viruses and thinking habits that were programmed into it by people who are either long dead or no longer play a role in your adult life.

I usually tell my own habitual mind things like this: “I know that I have some really silly leftover habits that were instilled in me a long time ago, and I want you to know that I’m no longer interested in having my actions dictated by you. I’m bringing all of those old habits of thought to the surface, and I’m going to make a conscious effort to be more aware of all aspects of my life.”

I had a conversation like this recently regarding my inclination to misplace my keys. I treated the ghost inside of me that always seemed to place my car keys in difficult-to-find locations as if it were a real person. While this may seem like an insignificant little habit, for me, changing it was huge. Now I rarely misplace my keys.

Initiate a conversation with your subconscious mind in which you make it clear that you’re not going to let part of your life be run by an invisible stranger who acts and reacts on the basis of memetic or genetic programming. Instead, decide that you’re no longer going to allow (or excuse) behavior from an unconscious part of yourself.

I encourage you to begin a practice of being more mindful. This is in fact what I did to end my lifetime habit of being forgetful, particularly when it came to where I placed my car keys.

At one time, I simply excused my can’t-find-my-keys behavior with this label: “I’m forgetful.” I can recall both my mother and my wife often exclaiming, “Oh, that’s Wayne, our absentminded professor!” Memes buried within my subconscious became useful excuses for explaining my habit of being forgetful . . . but then I discovered how to be mindful. I began to practice being conscious of what I used to do unconsciously, and it worked!

Each time I came into the house, I made a decision to be aware of my keys in my hand—to feel the texture and shape of each one of them, to hold them with awareness, to listen to the jingle-jangle sound—and then place them in a special spot reserved just for them. And lo and behold, an old unconscious habit had been brought to the surface and into my conscious mind, causing that old excuse of being forgetful to be eradicated. (On the rare day when I can’t find my keys now, it only serves to reinforce my commitment to stay mindful.)

By the same token, there was a time when my yoga practice could deteriorate into a boring routine and I’d become frustrated with myself; or while swimming in the ocean, running along the beach, or even sitting and writing, I could get lost in my old forgetfulness and lose sight of the glorious feeling that’s available in all human activity. I found that practicing mindfulness in many ways throughout my day helped immensely.

These days when I swim, I experience my arms moving, my legs kicking, my shoulders stretching, the feel and taste of the salt water, my fingers cupped and moving the water, my breathing, my heart rate . . . all of it. Practicing mindfulness has taught me how to be in the moment and find my self as well as my keys!

Handling Standing In Line In These Times....

Listen in and hear about handling standing in line in these times.....

What is Life Coaching?

Hello There,

Thank you for visiting this Complimentary Discovery Session Invite Video. Life Coaching really is for everyone. A life coach is that person that will be hearing and listening to your story with full attention. A discovery session is a space for us to meet and hear your story... Please feel free to text 905-321-4405 and ask for your day and time Complimentary one hour discovery session. I will look forward to meeting you online or in person. At this time, I have been having social distance sessions in my beautiful space in my garden yard that is a space held for you. Otherwise to be really convenient, we can chat live on many online networks, messenger, skype, zoom, facetime... whatever works for you.

I look forward to meeting you....and be sure and check out my website for reviews, blogs, news FYI. Life Coaching is all about you~ Get focused, get moving and start feeling good to be alive again... see you soon...


A Mini Session video ~ on keeping motivation with your daily routines....

Welcome to Today's Mind Joy Coaching Moment....

Hi there welcome to a Mind Joy moment in my garden today. I'm going to very briefly talk to you about daily routines. One great thing that you can do everyday is make your bed. When you're making your bed everyday rain or shine busy or not. When you make time for making your bed, it aligns your entire day for focusing on getting things done. It just really brings in this feeling of motivation that you are aligning your day and bringing yourself into focus on what's next. This is also creating confidence in your ability to keep your word with yourself. Making your bed everyday creates you to have an impact on your ability to keep your word with other things that are going to happen in your day. So today, make your bed! And that is today's mind joy life coaching moment.

Intuitive Life Coach Guidance out of Procrastination

Clean it Up! It's Spring! When you are procrastinating you are not really getting away with anything, your actually taking away from yourself. Accountability to Change is your answer...find out more
here on how to get  A one hour complimentary discovery session is the place to begin. You can reach Charlene by text 905-321-4405 and ask for your time and day for your discovery session....

News Story Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Art of Living Together

The Art of Living Together
Practicing the Second Agreement... How to not take anyone personally.....

If we are expecting the world to be nice and the world to cooperate and for the world to keep operating like the way we are used to....we will have issues with resistance and defensiveness and expectations from others in any given moment.
If you want to believe this, you got that. If you want to believe this you got that. The reasoning mind needs to choose the that, which will give you what you want. But you first have to believe you have a choice and then you have to choose, knowing and understanding that each that has a natural consequence and which consequence do you want to live in?
Example, I'm scared that I won't be able to handle so and so in the house right now, I have no choice I am quarantined with them... you can choose to continue to act out and react to wanting to control how that person is behaving. Your responsibility is to know that you are the chooser, and each choice you make gets you what you want by natural law. We are beings with conscious powerful energy. And we do decide, and we do experience natural consequences in every thought; Each thought leads to the outcome from that thought which creates the experience in the moment with that person, that circumstance, that reaction. So realize you are experiencing natural consequence from your thought that made you react .
Lets review this understanding.... if you want to believe this, you get that, you own it, it's yours. Know that you have a choice. Understand your choice on how you are going react is going to give you the natural consequence. If you feel you need to be right and the other wrong, then realize that you are adding to the fear and the stress of any given situation or moment. you are in with another and expecting the person to agree, but in the meantime you do not realize that it is what you are believing which is giving you what you are getting...
How are you going to choose how you respond to someone's behaviour that you don't approve of and are you going to continue to allow your reaction to effect your day?
Don't be fooled, you will react to tone of voice and this will trigger you into old reactive patterns. Step back, be the watcher of the person in front of you instead of the reactor, this will not leave you r comfort zone and the other person gets to be who they are...receiving their own natural consequences from their own choice of....if they want to believe what they got, then they own it, and you get to hold on to your personal power and just watch them be who they are.
Remember the serenity prayer.... God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage to Change The People I Can (By knowing I own every reaction I give to another even if I don't agree with their tone or their behaviour) And To Know The Wisdom To Know The Difference.
In Understanding this prayer we find ourselves able to take comfort in knowing we choose what we believe and we get what we get from that belief, and this makes a world of difference in how households around the planet right now can learn to get along and practice living in the second agreement in everyday circumstances in little moments between each other.
Best Advice from this Life Coach..... Be The Watcher, Not the Reactor. And watch with love not condemnation or judgement, but just allow the other person to feel heard and visible and loved no matter their energy because mostly every one is reacting from a fearful place right now, because we do not know the future. This is a moment to seize from striving through fear and let go and release into a new knowing, a possible new belief that you get to choose every moment how you will react, and practice not taking anyone personally and owning your power by faith.





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